External condoms and internal condoms are two of the best ways to make sex safer. Unfortunately, not everyone likes to use these forms of contraception.
Many people assume women are exclusively heterosexual and cisgender. They also assume it is always the partner with a penis who is reluctant to use condoms. But, that's not necessarily the case. The avoidance of condoms in the United States is almost equal across the gender spectrum.
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This article takes a closer look at why women avoid condoms, mistakes that couples make when using condoms, and ways to overcome these concerns.
Reasons for Not Using Condoms
There are many reasons why some women avoid condoms. Surveys show that the causes can vary based on age, race, and a woman's relationship status. Other factors include the stigmatization of condom use and misperceptions about a condom's effectiveness.
Certain attitudes and beliefs affect a woman's decision to use condoms. In surveys, women who don't use condoms consistently often report that:
- Condoms are unnecessary. Some women underestimate their risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) and assume that certain STIs, like HIV, are associated with other groups (such as gay and bisexual men). They may also believe that "pulling out" before ejaculation is enough to prevent STIs or pregnancy.
- Condoms are uncomfortable. Some women don't like condoms because they make sex uncomfortable or even painful. Condom misuse is one of the more common reasons for this.
- Condoms ruin sex. To some women, the act of putting on a condom ruins the spontaneity of sex. This is especially true if one or both partners don't know how to use condoms.
- Condoms reduce sensitivity. Compared to skin-on-skin contact, some women complain that condoms (especially internal condoms) reduce sensitivity. External condoms can also taste bad if used for oral sex.
- Condoms say bad things about you. Some women believe that asking a partner to use a condom is akin to "judging" them for previous sexual behaviors. On the flip side, some women fear that using condoms brands them as being unfaithful, "diseased," or "promiscuous."
Some women say that they avoid condoms because they don't believe they are at risk of STIs. Others claim that condoms are uncomfortable, ruin sexual spontaneity, reduce sensitivity, or suggest a person is promiscuous.
If Condoms Cause Pain
Three common reasons why women have bad experiences with condoms are inadequate lubrication, latex allergies, and sensitivity to the spermicide nonoxynol-9. All of these things can lead to vaginal irritation and, in turn, an increased risk of urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and bacterial vaginosis.
Worse yet, vaginal infections increase a woman's risk of HIV by disrupting the vaginal lining and providing the virus easier access to the immune cells it targets and infects.
If condoms cause pain or discomfort, there are several things you can do:
- Use lots of lubricant. Using plenty of lubricant with an external or internal condom (even if it is pre-lubricated) can reduce friction and pain. Just be sure to avoid oil-based lubricants when using a latex condom as they can degrade latex and cause a condom to break.
- Switch to non-latex condoms. If you have a latex allergy, there are condoms made of polyurethane or polyisoprene that are just as effective. They are also safe to use with oil-based lubricants. Of the two, polyisoprene condoms have more of the "feel" of a traditional latex condom.
- Avoid nonoxynol-9. Nonoxynol-9 is a spermicide used in certain lubricants and pre-lubricated condoms. The spermicide can cause vaginal irritation and inflammation in some women. Check the product label and opt for brands that don't contain nonoxynol-9.
It also helps to practice putting on condoms. This not only helps you avoid mistakes that cause condoms to fail but also reduces the clumsiness that can interfere with sexual spontaneity.
To avoid the vaginal irritation some women experience with condoms, use plenty of lubrication even if a condom is lubricated. If you have a latex allergy, try polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms instead. Also, avoid products containing nonoxynol-9, which can be irritating.
Women in the United States avoid condoms almost as much as men and for many of the same reasons. Some report that condoms are uncomfortable, ruin the spontaneity of sex, reduce sensitivity, or imply that you or your partner are unfaithful. Some women also perceive themselves to be at lower risk of STIs than they actually are and regard condoms as unnecessary.
Condoms can cause vaginal discomfort and irritation if used incorrectly or if you are sensitive to latex or certain lubricants. To reduce the risk, avoid products containing nonoxynol-9, which can be irritating. Use plenty of lubrication to reduce friction. And, if you have a latex allergy, choose polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms instead.
A Word From Verywell
Sex with condoms should not be any less enjoyable than sex without. Start by changing any negative attitudes you may have about condoms, and speak with your partner about ways to overcome any discomfort you may be experiencing.
By being open and honest, you are more likely to explore new ways to make condoms a positive part of your sexual life.