Do Condoms Expire?

The lifespan of a condom is between one and five years, depending on the material it is made from and the conditions under which it is stored.

Many make the mistake of using condoms past their expiration date, but doing so may mean that you are not getting the protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or pregnancy that you expect.

Close up of colorful condoms
Sporrer/Rupp / Getty Images

Why do Condoms Expire?

Most health and medical products have an expiration date, and condoms are no exception. The material that condoms are made from is what dictates expiration dates, as some are more resilient to the effects of time than others.

Condom Type Est. Shelf Life*
Latex, no spermicide Up to 5 years
Polyurethane, no spermicide Up to 5 years
Latex or polyurethane with spermicide Up to 3 years
Polyisoprene (a type of artificial rubber) Up to 3 years
Lambskin, sheepskin Up to 1 year
*Shelf life based on proper storage. Individual product expiration dates may vary.

Latex or polyurethane condoms with spermicide have a shorter shelf life than condoms without it because, over time, spermicide degrades the integrity of condom material. This lessens their effectiveness.

In addition, the chemicals in spermicide can break down, so using a condom that is past its expiration date may lead to a burning sensation and irritation of the delicate tissue in and around the vagina and penis.

While not a factor when it comes to expiration, it's worth noting that non-latex, natural materials like lambskin or sheepskin do not provide protection from STIs regardless of whether they have expired.

Improper Storage

Aside from this, how a condom is stored can influence how effective it is. Heat and humidity can degrade the material in both the condom wrapper and the condom itself.

This may render the condom less effective even before its expiration date.

Where to Find the Expiration Date

A condom's expiration date is stamped on both the outer box it came in and on the individual wrapper. The date is typically found on the edges of the foil wrappers.

Prior to using any condom, check the packaging to ensure it is not damaged, opened, or expired. If it is, do not use it.

When purchasing condoms, it is always a good idea to check the expiration date, especially if you do not expect to use them all soon.

Can I Still Use an Expired Condom? 

Using an expired condom is not recommended. An expired condom may not provide adequate protection against pregnancy or STIs.

However, if the only options are having sex with an expired condom or having unprotected sex, Planned Parenthood recommends using the expired condom.

The one exception is condoms with spermicide, given the skin irritation that can occur.

How to Store Condoms

Condoms should be stored in a cool, dry place, such as a drawer in your nightstand or dresser.

Storing condoms in the following places is not advised, as it can shorten their shelf life and decrease their effectiveness:

  • Bathroom
  • Car
  • Wallet

What to Do With Expired Condoms

While expired condoms should not be used for sexual intercourse, you don't have to throw them out. Condoms can be handy for other things.

Protect Your Hands

Let's say that you drop your keys in the toilet or need to clean out a yucky clogged drainpipe. If you find that you neither have a pair of gloves handy nor the time to run out to buy some, you can protect your hands by slipping an expired condom over your hand.

While this may seem silly, it could prove useful in such a time of need. Condoms are far stronger than most people imagine, but, if needed for a tough job, you can double up and use two.

Some people will even use them to protect their hands when mixing paints or plaster for art projects or preparing raw beets, which can stain hands.

Waterproof Your Belongings

Condoms are meant to provide a watertight barrier so that fluids cannot enter or leave.

With this in mind, in a pinch, you may find them useful for everyday situations like needing to protect your cell phone from moisture while on a camping or boating trip.

Condoms are extremely elastic and can easily contain something of that size. Just roll one over the item and tie a knot to seal it.

You can also use expired condoms to protect items that may leak (e.g., mouthwash or lotion) when packing for a trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long do condoms last?

    The shelf life of a condom varies from one to five years, depending on the material it is made from. Latex or polyurethane condoms last the longest, typically five years from the manufactured date. Condoms with spermicide or those made from polyisoprene expire in three years. Lambskin condoms degrade faster and are only good for one year.

  • Can you use condoms after the expiration date?

    No, you should not use condoms after their expiration date. Expired condoms may not protect against pregnancy and STIs. However, Planned Parenthood advises that an expired condom is still better than having sexual contact without any condom. 

    There is one exception. Condoms that contain spermicide should never be used after the expiration date. The chemicals in spermicide can start to break down over time, leading to skin irritation and a burning sensation in the delicate tissues of the vagina and penis.

  • Do condoms degrade faster in your wallet?

    Possibly, depending on where you keep your wallet. Improper storage of condoms can cause them to degrade faster than the expiration date. A wallet kept in your back pocket is more exposed to heat and elements than a wallet kept in a purse.

    As a general rule, if the condom wrapper is damaged in any way, you should not use the condom.

  • How should you store condoms?

    You should store condoms at room temperature away from heat and humidity. Condoms can be safely stored in a bedroom drawer. They should not be stored in the bathroom, in a car, or in a wallet kept in your pants pocket.

2 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How to use a male condom.

  2. Planned Parenthood. What happens if you use an expired condom?

Elizabeth Boskey, PhD

By Elizabeth Boskey, PhD
Boskey has a doctorate in biophysics and master's degrees in public health and social work, with expertise in transgender and sexual health.